Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have a lot of questions. This is why we have dedicated an entire page for just questions. Click below to check each category...


For Parents

for Students



Where will 16 Stones Academy be held?

16 Stones Academy will be held at the Serendipity Ranch in La Point, Utah near Vernal. We will hold our in person classes in the mess hall and in the accompanying buildings. However, due to the limited amount of space at the ranch, most students will be attending virtually via zoom. 

Is there accreditation? Will it ever be accredited?

No and no. Our purpose is to allow students opportunities to pursue different paths. We want to give them a variety at the luxury of centering all learning with Christ and allowing them to choose what they want to learn. With that in mind, we offer academic learning, apprenticeships, and entrepreneurial experiences.  

Can my child graduate from 16 Stones Academy?

No and Yes. There will be no high school equivalent diploma, no credits can transfer to other schools. However, your child may graduate from 16 Stones Academy.  

Each child will receive a  transcript of the things he/she has accomplished for the year and a Certificate of Completion. 

We will have each student create their own portfolio. We believe this will help increase their confidence and will be a book of remembrance for them.  

In today's world experience trumps diplomas.  

Will my child be college ready by the time they graduate?

Yes and No. It is not our purpose to prepare your child to attend college with all the state and federal requirements. However, we will be teaching your child how to learn and think and research and they will receive a transcript of all their learning and their experiences. We hope to build their confidence and ability to learn anything and solve any problem. 

What about accidents and emergencies?

All students will be required to sign an emergency and medical waiver.  

What facilities are available?

There is a full kitchen in the mess hall.  

You are encouraged to bring your own lunches.  

Occasionally there will be food provided for the students and staff. 


How can I, as a parent, learn like this too? 

First, we strongly encourage you to attend the classes with your child and the individual online classes found at

For each enrolled family we offer you free courses of the methodology that we will be using including:  The Theology Tree and The Key Pattern of Learning.

What will be expected of the parents?  

We encourage family time together before coming to school (this is why we are not starting until 9:00am).  

We encourage parent involvement with classes, events, car pooling, etc.  

We want you involved in your child's goals and to help and encourage them.  

We encourage you to come and attend the classes with your student and to participate. 

We ask that you volunteer at least one day a week. 

What classes will be available for parents?

First of all, we highly encourage parents to attend school classes with their children at no extra cost. This is a great opportunity to learn and strengthen your relationships.  

We also offer a variety of individual online and in person classes. You may find them at For those enrolled in 16 Stones Academy they are free, otherwise there is a cost. As an example, each Thursday evening there will be a Know Your Religion class taught by Tresta.

for Students

What will my child be learning?

This academic year, 2020-21 we will focus on Ancient History and art, geography of Israel, Asia, and Africa. In literature we will read works with the ancient history setting. For Science, we will study Geology and Astronomy.  

We will study academic topics for 2 -3 hours per day. There will be many elective classes in the afternoon.  

Outside of the core curriculum, each child will create their own learning agenda and be held accountable for those goals. They will have opportunities to make, with their mentor, entrepreneurial experiences and/or apprenticeships in the field of their choice.  

What curriculum will you be using?

We are focusing on Ancient History this year and will be using the Old Testament as our text. This year we will be highlighting the theme of Hebrew Culture. 

The curriculum we are using is created by Tresta Neil. It is God Centered, Temple Based, Family Focused curriculum with a restored gospel perspective and the discovering of truths and natural laws.  

Will the children be divided into their own classes?

For the in person students, we have a one-room schoolhouse with two teachers. 

There will be a teacher for the older, secondary, students and the other will take the younger, primary, students.   

There may be times we have the primary children go to another smaller breakout room (in person and online) for extracurricular activities. 

What supplies are required?

A 2" notebook (3 ring binder)

Paper, 8 1/2" x 11" college ruled (or spiral notebook)

Plain white paper

8 tab dividers for a 3 ring binder

12 plastic sheet protectors

Pencils with erasers 

Colored pencils

A clip board 


Math compass

Straight edge

Optional - Backpack (we will provide cubby for in person students (please do not bring valuables) 

The Standard Works (4 books of scripture) 

"The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom (this will be provided for the in person students)

We will provide you with a list of other books to purchased as needed

Will lockers be provided for keepsakes and valuables?

No. Please leave valuables at home.  

Each student will have their own cubby to put books into, but it will be open and not private. 

What will you not be teaching?

There are several topics we will not teach in school, we feel there are topics that are the parents responsibility, such as manners, respect, sex education, LGBQ identities, etc. 

We will support the family and will provide training for parents to be able to teach their children with these and other topics as needed.   

We will not be teaching college prep classes or getting your child ready to take the ACT. However, they will know how to think and solve problems and be introduced to most of the subjects on the ACT.

Are you equipped to handle special needs (learning disability) of my child?

We believe in an open learning environment. We are not certified in special needs. Fortunately, we are loving, patient, and willing to learn from you, them, and help where we can.

Based on an individual basis, we will do our best, however, there may be circumstances where we can't.  

Will my child be held accountable for his work?

Yes. We will not be giving out any homework assignments, however our secret goal is to get them to the point they are so interested in learning they want to learn outside the classroom.  

Will there be a grading system? What will they be graded on?

Yes, there will be a grading system though it will not be traditional. 

The students will grade themselves on their performance, their attitude, effort, and skill within each topic. We will have some work that is peer reviewed and the big projects and reports will be teacher reviewed. The teacher will grade each students Tome or learning notebook.

We will keep a detailed record of the students learning and experiences (this will later be transcribed into a 16 Stones Academy transcript).  

How will the students be disciplined?

We will establish a school constitution where both the parents and the children will sign. Remembering discipline starts with the parents. 

We will have a training on individuality, self-government, and rights of property.  

If we have issues with your child we will:  

  1. Politely ask them if they are being self-governed 
  2. Remind them of the constitution they have signed and promised to follow. 
  3. Talk to their parents and to come with the child
  4. Asked to stay home


Will my children be required to bring their phones or other devices?

No. We have a no electronic policy. There may be a docking bay for students that must bring their device. Parents are encouraged to call the school for emergencies and messages.  

What are the food arrangements?

There is a full kitchen in the mess hall.  

You are encouraged to bring your own lunches.  

Occasionally there will be food provided for the students and staff. 

When is 16 Stone Academy calendar year?

September through May.  

We may have summer opportunities too. 

What is the daily schedule?

In person:

Arrive at 8:00 for agriculture opportunities

9:00 Morning devotional 

9:30 Academic classes  

11:30 lunch and work on school projects 

12:30 elective classes  

2:30 work on projects or go home 

Who are the teachers?

Tresta Neil- secondary academic and religious classes 

Resha Bartlett - horsemanship and academics  

Cactus Le Mar - music and carpentry and agriculture

Thom Neil - languages and communication

Lindsay Germer - gardening and cooking 

You, the parents in person and/or at home online 

What entrepreneurial experiences will they have?

We encourage entrepreneurial experiences of all kinds. We encourage and provide ideas for each student to be creative, to come up with ideas that will help them make money.  

We have many connections within the community and online. These vary from mechanics to cooking from horsemanship to singing. 

Will there be apprenticeships?

Yes. Each student will work out their own learning path. If this includes a needed apprenticeship, 16 Stones Academy will do their best at finding and providing that opportunity for that student.  

What to bring to school?

A 2" notebook (3 ring binder)

Paper, 8 1/2" x 11" college ruled (or spiral notebook)

Plain white paper

8 tab dividers for a 3 ring binder

12 plastic sheet protectors

Pencils with erasers 

Colored pencils

A clip board 


Math compass

Straight edge

Optional - Backpack (we will provide cubby for in person students (please do not bring valuables) 

The Standard Works (4 books of scripture) 

"The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom (this will be provided for the in person students)

We will provide you with a list of other books to purchased as needed

What is the dress code?

We ask you to wear modest clothing and be modest in your speech.  

We will follow the honor code found in the Strength of Youth standards.  
