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Armor of God
Mini Series
Mini Series
"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes"-Ephesians 6:10
We Are Opening up the Library Vault To Bring You the Symbolize of the Armor of God. Here is what you are going to get....
"Social Proof With Customer Testimonials..."
"Customer testimonials are a powerful conversion element. Display them here to demonstrate that your product has many customers and that those customers are very happy with their purchase.
We like to do what many others have done already. There's safety in numbers. Testimonials can be used to give your visitor that sense of safety."
Marketing Assistant
"The perfect testimonial..."
"The perfect testimonial looks a lot like this one: it has a heading (this shows the best part of the testimonial), one or two paragraphs of text, an image, a name and (optionally) a role to go along with the name. Also note the use of quotation marks in the testimonial text."
Office Manager
"Add a quote here (it can be a quote from yourself, from the story or an authority quote from someone else). Something that puts a nice closing line on the story above.”
P.S.: Welcome to the post script section of the page. You can have one or several of these. This part is all about loss aversion. Here is where you can remind your reader that if they don't jump on this opportunity right now they will be missing out.
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