The Path of Stone Tables
A Missionary / Temple Preparation Course!
All from the Old Testament

It's finally here! The course you've heard about.
LIVE Summer 2021.

All 10 lessons will be recorded and be available to review anytime.

Learn to achieve this incredible goal… even if you have yet to receive your endowment!


Classes Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 10:30am - 12:00pm MT starting

July 27 - August 26, 2021

This course is divided into 10 Lessons.  
The following is an outline of our intended sessions.

Anxiety towards the temple or a crisis of faith?

I took a youth group through a mock up of the Biblical Tabernacle and helped them make connections to the modern temple. At the end of the experience a 20 year old boy who suffers with anxiety told the group that no one would tell him what to expect in the temple and so he never want to go, but now he felt he could.

This and other experiences have led me to believe there are a lot of people who could benefit from a course about the tabernacle and the path of stone tables.
The path of stone tables are the three altars found in the Biblical Tabernacle and associated with the three main types of offerings. The first was all about repentance and forgiving other. The second altar is our dedication to God and our willingness to do his will. The third is about helping others get to the covenant path.

This course is about our journey from the presence of God and to becoming like God. We will discuss the Fall and the Atonement and dwell a great deal on the pathway through the tabernacle. At each step along the Path of Stone Tables we will discuss both the physical and the spiritual meanings of each item.

We will not be discussing the sacred symbols and token within the endowment. Our discussions will be based on the Biblical Tabernacle and The Path of Stone Tables or offerings.

Each class is live recorded on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:30 am MDT where you'll be able to participate and ask questions. The course will begin July 27. The recording of each class will be available to watch on an online at your convenience.

 How many others are struggling with understanding or having anxiety towards the temple or a crisis of faith? Are you suffering? Please join us, ask your questions, this is a safe place. Find strength, willingness and hope along the Path of Stone Tables.

Path of Stone Tables

In this  class you will learn the order and how these tables play a major roll in our daily devotion. In the 10 sessions, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the Tabernacle, the Israelites and God’s Holy days. Increase your understanding of temple covenants, high priest clothing, and an increased connection to God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The Sabbath Day, the Sacrament and the covenant path will be the themes throughout course. Everyone who has taken this course has come away amazed and filled with greater love for God, His house, their covenant path and the three main offerings.

The price for this class is only $50!

Why Study the Old Testament?

Is it possible for someone to be trustworthy and yet not be trusted?
Yes, if we do not personally know a person, we may not trust him.
The more we know about God the more we can trust him.
When God is Known, He is Trusted!
Here are six reasons to study the Old Testament and Know Christ.

God's Love

The Old Testament reveals God’s patience and tenacious love for us.

Admonished to Search

The New Testament and Book of Mormon teach us to know the Old Testament.

Understand Jesus

The more you understand the Old Testament, the more you will understand Jesus. Remember he was the God of the Old Testament, he fulfilled all of the promises made there.

Strengthen Hope

The Old Testament strengthens our hope. If God can handle the hard questions of job, Elijah and Jeremiah he can truly handle our questions.

Inspire and Warn

The Old Testament presents doctrine in story form. The fascinating biographies are to inspire and warn us.

Moral Principles

The Old Testament is a manual for how to live. Jesus used the same moral principles in his life. It provides morals of how to apply them in our life today.

Here’s what people are saying about the course.

As we've been talking about this course to friends who haven't yet taken it, we are finding an overwhelming excitement for what it can do for them and their families.

Mary Ann

Parenting Coach

I have been looking for a class like this.

If fact I was just at the temple praying to understand the ceremony better. Today I speak to you and you are teaching the very class I have been praying for. 

Lark Galley

Life Coach

Tresta’s course on the OT Tabernacle was amazing! I learned many new concepts about the law of Moses that helped me understand how Jesus fulfilled it. As a Gospel Doctrine teacher I was able to share these ideas with my class which my students greatly enjoyed. One of the best investments of my time and money.


Health Coach

Where and When?

I love to talk about the tabernacle and the temple, when is it and how do I sign up? 

Melanie Ballard

Homeschool Mom

Where and When?

The Path of the Stone Tables was wonderful!  I was very interested in the course for myself, but I wanted my children to learn from it as well.  Because of scheduling, we watched the recordings, but that made it really convenient for my family.  2-3 times a week I would pull out some hand work, (coloring, stringing Cheerios on yarn, building with toothpicks and squares of cheese etc) and then turn on the classes for 30 min-1 hr.  I had several children not interested to start the class, but by the end they were all glad.  One of my daughters said "I loved this!  Lets start over and watch it all again!"  I'm sure we will, because there was so much valuable information to digest.  I love learning from Tresta!  She has an immense base of knowledge and a vision and purpose that makes my heart sing.


Family Consultant

This will help me feel at peace

I go to the temple and feel peace, but I remember what others have told me and I get confused. I’m so glad you came into my life. I think this class is going to save my sanity.

Overview of this Course

Let me divide up the course in to Modules for you.

The 10 lessons 

The following is an outline of our intended sessions.


Module 1: The Plan and the Path
  • The Plan of Salvation:  The Creation ~ The Fall ~ The Atonement ~ Alters ~ Sacrifices ~ the presence    of God (Shekinah) 
  • The Biblical Tabernacle:  Israelite Camp ~ Complex ~ How the sacrifices were preformed "God is in the Details of our Lives"
  • Roles:   Israelites, Priests & High Priest ~ Priest's clothing ~ Ordination of Priest


Module 2: Offerings of the Path
  • True Offerings:  Types ~ Structure of an Ordinance ~ Covenants ~ Basic Symbolic Components
  • The Path of Stone Tables:  Sin Offering ~ Burnt Offering ~ Peace Offering


Module 3: The First Table
  • The Outer Court:  The Curtain ~ Scrolls ~ The Gate
  • The Sin Offering:  the Brazen Alter ~ Faith ~ Repentance
  • The Laver: Baptism ~ Born Again ~ Initiatory: Washings ~ The Horn ~ Anointings ~ clothing of High Priest


Module 4: The Second Table
  • The Inner Court:  Coverings ~ Colors ~ Door ~ The Holy Room 
  • The Burnt Offering:  Five Progressive Covenants
  • The Menorah:  Light and Knowledge ~ Gift of the Holy Ghost
  • The Table of Shew Bread:  Covenants of Manna, Unleavened Bread & Passover


Module 5: The Third Table
  • The Prayer Alter: Types of prayers ~ Receiving Answers
  • The Peace Offering: Covenant of Fellowship ~ Essence of Fellowship ~ Calling and Election made sure
  • The Holy of Holies: The veil, Arc of the Covenant, Day of Atonement


Got Questions? We'll guide you to Answers!

Here are some of the questions we will answer in this course.

Question 1
Why is there a horn in the initiatory room?

Have you noticed the horn? Sometimes its bronze other times it's white depending on the temple. The horn has very specific meaning to the power and authority of God. It also has to do with the power to change: Change ourselves and having Christ change us. We will discuss why it is found in the initiatory  and why it is filled with olive oil, and why it is on the ancient alters. 

question 2
Why are there three entrances into the tabernacle? 

The tablernacle has three entrances, the gate, a door and the veil. Each of these are significant to the life of Christ , the Plan of Salvation and their order is vital for us. Only certain people were allowed past the veil before Christ died now everyone is welcome to paartake of eternal life with God. Come learn about the entrances and conditions.

Question 3
What do sacrifices and our personal prayers have to do with each other? 

This is such a great connection. We will discuss why the brazen alter of sacrifice and the prayer alter are exactly the same height. This will lead us to how the prayer alter is lit and how that is significant for you and your personal prayers. 

About Your Mentor, Tresta

Tresta Neil is a mother of eight darling children and many borrowed children. Her husband introduced her to the idea of homeschooling after her fourth was born and she thought he was crazy. Twenty years later she is a strong advocate for homeschooling. She currently teaches online classes in language, math, science, symbology, constellations, and addiction prevention. She is a mentor for homeschool mothers and their parenting/schooling/mental needs. Her favorite homeschool subject is symbolic math. She graduated from BYUI and Weber State University before her mission to the Netherlands. Her mission president used her nursing skills in the field. She is the author of God Saw That It Was Good and other homeschooling books. She directs homeschool and other faith promoting events. She is the co-founder of Called to Learn, restoring and preserving Gospel culture of learning patterned after the temple, with her husband, Thom. She and her son, Izaak, have a podcast called, Gospel Theory. Her passion is teaching, writing, and telling God’s Story. If you ask her about her most embarrassing moment she will tell you a story about sitting on a cactus. :) 

Here’s what people are saying about Tresta

Here are 3 testimonials from student who have taken other classes from Tresta.


Homeschool Mom

Shares her Love for the Subject

The class was so enlightening. I think differently now. I am so grateful to Tresta for loving this subject and sharing her love of it with us. If you're thinking about taking a class, do it! You won't be disappointed!


Musician & Mother

Encourages Curiosity and Questions

This class was engaging and taught within the context of the gospel as Tresta brings in concepts of the plan of salvation to tie it all to the gospel and truth. They teach with love and encourage curiosity and questions. They are organized and prepared and engaging and bring the most exciting and interesting parts out of the text.



Simply Teaches How to Seek and Recognize When You've Received 

Tresta truly celebrates the smallest triumphs and teaches you how to accept and rejoice in the blessings you receive. I recommend Tresta to anyone. She understands LDS doctrine, she does not over-proclaim or step beyond boundaries, she points you toward the scriptures, church leaders, apostles, prophets. She simply teaches how to seek and how recognize when you have received. I owe a great deal of thanks to her! 


We are offering the course, chock full of powerful lessons worth $300.

With the discount you only pay


Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about the Path of Stone Tables course


Pre-school Teacher

Blood on the Horns was my Favorite

I enjoyed the Biblical Tabernacle experience. I didn't know anything about the temple it was not talked about in my family. One thing I learned was how the metals increase as you went through the tabernacle. How they put the blood on the horns to cover them like the atonement covers our sins was my favorite.


New Missionary

I'm glad I went to this class before going to the temple

The Biblical Tabernacle experience was really cool. I liked learning about the shewbread and the sacrament. I bless the sacrament in our ward in it made me think about Christ more. I'm glad I went her before going to the temple. It helped me understand it better. 


Theater Director

Intriguing New Insights

This past year Tresta Neil took us beyond the mark to compelling heights in our education which encapsulated intriguing new insights! I especially loved the Biblical Tabernacle. I am so grateful for the honest approach she takes with the correct resources. We can't wait to encounter new levels of learning this coming fall with her!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access the lessons?

What are the dates of the course?

How much of the temple will you talk about?

What is the Table of Stone Tables?

What books do you Recommend for this Subject?

What will be your text for this class?

On a personal note...

If you see someone suffering from thirst and trying to get water from a dry well and you had a bucket of water to share with them would you hold back or would you run to them with your water? This is how I feel when I think about all those who are questioning the temple, the leaders of the church, or even doubting their faith in Jesus Christ. 

I have the water, I'm running toward you. Please come and drink and let anyone else who is thirsty be quenched and filled with the love of God again.
