December 27


My Motherhood Keys

By Tresta Neil

Called to Learn, Confidence, Curiosity, Family Relationships, Parenting, Personal Change, Tresta's Story

4 new beliefs that helped me go from miserable to happy

(written by Tresta Neil 2011, Published in the Prosperity Tribe Magazine)

Mary did you know as a child that you were the chosen one?

Mary did you know of your role in nurturing God own son?…

Mary, mother of Jesus, chosen daughter of God, said,

“Be it onto me, Lord, according to thy word.”

Mary something whispers to me that I have a mission too

Daily I am learning the thing the Savior would have me do…

I would be like Mary, I am a daughter of God.

Then be it unto me, Lord, according to thy word.

(Lyrics by Janice Kapp Perry, Daughter of God)

These are the words to a song I sang as a young woman. I wanted to be a mother like Mary. I had three children within three years. I worked nights as a nurse and I tended to the children by letting them watch a movie so I could sleep. Often I would awake to a mess of torn books or books in the bathtub or eggs all over the floor or whip cream painted all over the lounge chair. If this was motherhood, I didn’t want it! There was no joy in constant clean up and exhaustion.

Today, I still work part time, but I’m happy, I find great joy in raising my children.
What made the difference? you ask. I got educated! I changed! I switched many of my old, incorrect beliefs to correct and energizing beliefs.
I call my new beliefs, MY MOTHERHOOD KEYS, here are a few:

It is only by Grace that we find joy

I had believed that it was only through hard work, service, and doing the best I could that I could be happy. But, the more I did the less happy I felt, so I thought I would never be good enough. New belief: Submitting my will was the only “work” required and all I had to do. I found joy in every moment knowing I was doing what the Lord wanted. Mary submitted her will, her whole life to God when she said, “Be it onto me, Lord, according to thy word.”

What is happening now is what is meant to happen

As my children would make mistakes I would often blame myself: I must be doing something wrong, I need to be better at teaching them the ways of the Lord so they won’t fall. My new belief: God is in control, this is his business I must give my time and worries to him. Remember this is their life and their choices, all I need to do is love them exactly how and where they are. Mary did not spend her time blaming herself when Jesus was being made fun of for being illegitimate.

The Remarkable Meaning of Mundane.

Often I found myself cleaning the whole house after the children did their chores. I felt trapped in the dirty house and felt no one cared. The dishes and laundry never ended. My new belief: Family Work links us together. Daily tasks that are mundane and thoughtless gives us opportunity to connect with each other, helps us help each other. I’ve learned more about my children by just listening to them while cooking dinner than I ever would have telling them to leave the kitchen. Mary had each of her children work by her and Joseph’s side.

The Secret of our future is hidden in our Daily Routine!

The first few years of marriage and having children it was difficult to have family prayer and scripture study let alone have Family Home Evening. So we dedicated ourself to start small. We first began adding a family devotional to our daily routine. We sang a song, read a few verses of scripture, memorized a poem and monthly theme, said our family laws (love, joy, obedience, manners, order, peace and service), had a family prayer and ended with our chant (Have a great day! N-E-I-L Neil’s are Champions!!). This created consistency and unity in our lives. Mary had a consistent daily routine.

As Mary raised Jesus there were many sorrows and disappointments, but she stood strong and firm in her belief. She KNEW who she was: The Mother of the Son of God! I KNOW I am a daughter of God and a Mother of Great Ones so now I can stand strong and say, “be it unto me, Lord, according to Thy will.”

For more “Motherhood Keyz” see or Keystone Education on facebook.

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