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Embrace the Lioness
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Holy Days
CTL Academy
Gospel & Symbolism
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CTL Academy
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Geometry – Characteristics of God ( Previously, Symbolic Math One – Circle ) Ever pondered the question, “How many circles are in your living room?” The answer blows minds. Think of round screws and nails. In this class, we discuss the power of circles, its symbolism, and characteristics. We will relate them to the characteristics of God the Father and then to ourselves. 16 total lessons. Over 16 hours of content.
16 Lessons - None
CTL Signature
Geometry 2 – The Plan of Happiness ( Previously, Symbolic Math Two – Line ) Geometry Shapes and Symbols in the Scriptures – LINES Have you ever studied a shape in the scriptures? How many words can you come up with that have to do with a line? We will explore the line in mathematics, science, literature, and art. We will discover the different Latin and Hebrew words and stories around the line. This class is filled with activities and art projects. We will focus on self-reliance (discipline and equality) while completing the projects. This is an open discussion class with scriptures. You will learn about and be able to find the shape of the line and Vesica Pisces in scripture and other literature.
8 Lessons - None
CTL Signature
Geometry 3 – Characteristics of Christ (Previously, Symbolic Math Three – Triangle) This class will focus on the triangle and the number three. You will explore the reason for the triangle and how to measure and calculate it. You will observe these symbols within the scriptures, literature, and history. We will perform experiments, make art, and build fractals. You will come away from this class with a great appreciation of triangles and their importance in our world. The symbol of the triangle represents the firstborn son, Jesus Christ, and His Atonement. We will explore the 12 tasks he preformed, is currently, and will perform for us. Not only will you have the knowledge of using triangles in calculating height and triangulating but you will know the missions of Christ at a deeper level too. You will never look at shapes the same way again.
13 Lessons - None
CTL Signature
Symbolic Math with Ray’s Practical Arithmetic Math FOUR focuses on the square, cube, right angles, and the four corners and seasons of the Earth. Physics will be involved in using solidity and volumes. Algebra will be touched on with equations and proportions. Symbolically we will discuss what it means to be in equality, plus we will study Abraham and Euclid as mathematicians. The students will come up with a project to demonstrate at the end of the semester. Symbolic Math Theology of Math , how God created and views the subject Square – solidity, equality, similarity Earth – seasons, directions, winds Mathematics – multiples and equations Principles of the square and the number four Mathematician – Euclid; Abraham; Create a notebook of Math Principles Ray’s Practical Arithmetic Square Roots & Cube Roots Volume measures the capacity an object can hold Process of Conversion Mensuration, the Art of Precision Ratios and Proportions Interest & Discount Surveying Insurance & Taxes
25 Lessons - None
CTL Signature
Learning how to think and find patterns is one of the greatest things about learning math. The greatest, however, is how it teaches us dependence – dependence on God! Folding a pentagon in less than 10 seconds, drawing endless pentagrams, and creating a 3D dodecahedron are just a few things you’ll do in this hands-on geometry course. We will also explore the number five throughout the scripture stories and the Hebrew Language. In the second semester, we will discover the Fibonacci Sequence and spirals throughout nature and in our own kitchen. We will have Mickey Mouse be our guide throughout history and learn how the Greeks used mathematical patterns in language and music. We will become proficient at drawing and identifying the Golden Spiral. We will learn the Platonic Solids and of course, link everything we learn back to the gospel of Jesus Christ by reading conference talks with a mathematical eye.
29 Lessons - Intermediate
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