2024-25 School Year Course List
These courses are Gospel Culture Centered, Family Focused, and Temple Based.
Clubhouse Course (5-10)
Clubhouse T-W-Th
Junior Courses (10-13)
Art of Storytelling
Who doesn't love a good story? Stories are one way we preserve and observe our culture and beliefs. Stories were once told with hidden meanings and themes the reader had to discover. Let's read some of these stories and discover them. Also, let tell stories, let's become great story tellers ourselves? Think about the impact we could have on our families and friends when we tell them a great story. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
Joy in Writing
Writing down thoughts, opinions, stories, and letters use to be the way to communicate. Today it is becoming a lost art. Let's not forget how to write in cursive, spell, know and understand our English grammar. We will make a grammar and spelling book in this class you can take with you on your mission or use to teach your own children. We will also watch some fun videos on remembering them. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
Math Magic
Number and shapes were once taught together. God uses them interchangeably along with patterns. In this class we will discover the personalities of the numbers and shapes through hands on activities. Some will be very easy, others will be more difficult to complete but they will all help us understand numbers and shapes and their role in God's plan. Who knows, you may even discover more of your roll in God's plan too. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
Senior Classes (12-18)
Faith Works by Words
Living the words of Christ is to exercise faith in Him. In this class we’ll dive into and discover how to make your scriptures come to life. But how can you live Christ’s words, if you don’t know what they are? How can you know if His word be of God, or not—if you have not lived them? And how can you Emulate Christ, if you haven’t grow line upon line in light and truth unto perfect worship? ~ taught by Brother Kent Nielsen
Language - Elocution
What do force, stress, and time have in common? Elocution is our focus this year, you will be graded on your presentation skills. This includes writing a speech and presenting a speech. All six branches will be taught with a deep dive into elocution and presentation, and etymology with Greek, Latin, and Anglo Saxon pre- and suffixes. Sister Brielle Hahn will teach prosody (poetry writing) each week. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
History - Reformation
God has always been consistent in his teachings throughout His Story. This class will begin with the confessions of Augustine through Joan of Arc. After the fall of Rome how did the Christian church continue? What are the pros and cons of the rising church? Did you know they collected icons of bones to help promote worship? How would you like to be put on trial for reading your favorite book? ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
Geography - North America
Do you know the names of the states and their capital in the United States, Canada, and Mexico? This class will focus on map reading, memorization, cartography, and bit maps. You will be labeling mathematical, physical, and political maps of North America using a map standard, plus learn about their culture, the growth of the church of Jesus Christ, and the unique flora and fauna of each place. We will develop the skill of map reading and bit map making. ~ taught by Sister Tresta
Practical Math
Math is the language God used to create the Universe. Math easily testifies of God and his son Jesus, the Christ. Math is similar to language and it many pieces, we will treat them the same and analyze each piece (numbers, shape, numeration, measurement, and operations) as it relates to the big picture. We will focus on algebra, statistics, probability, trigonometry, and consumer math. We will also do reports on real math, like repairs and budgeting. Continue working on your own math workbooks throughout the year. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy
The short definition of science is the study of truth, God knows all truth, He is omniscience (all truth), which makes him the greatest scientist ever. In this course we will concentrate on the first days of creation - the physical sciences of Physics, Chemistry, and Astronomy. We will start with small machines, formulas, solutions, and end the year with learning about the types of stars and their sizes. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
There is a huge interest in bettering our communication. We want to know how to approach the opposite sex, how to get our children excited about something, how to talk to others about the gospel, how to hear and feel the Holy Ghost, it goes on and on. This class will not teach you all things communication. We hope to help you to understand non-verbal communication indicators such as zones, tone, and body parts. And you will become fluent in the Doctrine of Persuasion. We will go over good, better, best scenarios and have lots of time to practice. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
Journey Through the Arts
Words, Music, and Art are amazing things and can be put together in so many ways. We will be studying the types of literature and the men and women who put these words together, as well as the music development from pre-Baroque through the modern day. This will include types and elements of music, composers, and the makeup of the orchestra. I think music is a miracle because 12 keys on a piano can combine in infinite ways. We will also be studying the major changes in art from the Renaissance to the modern age. The various forms, principles, and elements of art will be discussed and studied with the view of appreciating the great talents God has given the artists. The major goal will be to help you find joy in art, whether participating in or viewing. ~Taught by Sister Becky Williams
Herbal Remedies
Students will learn Gospel Principles by learning about God’s medicinal plants and stones, empowering them to heal with God’s creations. They will also understand how our bodies respond to God’s plants and stones. We will be learning a new remedy every few weeks. ~ taught by Jennifer Hahn
Emotional Health
God knew this life would come with many challenges. But he didn’t leave us unprepared. This year we will dive into the Bible and learn more tools to add to our emotional health tool box. ~ taught by Sister Kjiersten Reynolds
Technology with Canva
Learn and use Canva throughout the year. ~ taught by Sister Amy Taylor
Foreign Language
Sign Language
This year in ASL, we will review and keep the learning going . We will learn how to sign scriptures, songs, class mantras, and so much more. As well as practicing conversations with each other. ~ taught by Sister Kjiersten Reynolds
Unlock the secrets of the Old Testament by diving into the original Hebrew! Understanding Hebrew words opens up a whole new world of meaning in the scriptures. Curious to learn how to read Hebrew? Excited to grasp the deeper meanings behind biblical words? Then join this class! By the end of the year, you'll be able to read and understand the 100 most commonly used words in the Bible and even write in the beautiful Hebrew script. Let's make this ancient language come alive together! ~ taught by Brother Thom Neil
Learning Spanish can be a blast, especially when you realize how much you already know! Even though English is a Germanic language, about half of it comes from Latin. And guess what? Spanish is like modern-day Latin! That means you can spot Latin-based words in English, tweak them a bit, and voilà —you’ve got about 3,000 Spanish words right there. With this trick, you’ll be chatting away in Spanish without needing to constantly check your notebook or phone. Let’s dive in and see how easy it is to understand and speak Spanish! ~ taught by Brother Thom Neil
Signature Courses
Signs of the Times
The signs of the times in our day are events that were prophesied to take place in the latter days before the Second Coming of Christ. Signs are omens, wonders, and marvels of abnormal occurrence, they are the recognizable events which identify present and future events. Time means era or age or dispensation. Signs of the Time for our age are the marvelous events which identify the second advent of our Lord, Jesus Christ and dispensation of the fulness of times. A knowledge of the signs of the times can help us turn to the Lord and prepare ourselves for his second coming. Let's learn the signs that have happened, are happening, and will happen. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
Physics and Chemistry
The short definition of science is the study of truth, God knows all truth, He is omniscience (all truth), which makes him the greatest scientist ever. In this course we will concentrate on the first days of creation - the physical sciences of Physics, Chemistry, and Astronomy. We will start with small machines, formulas, solutions, and end the year with learning about the types of stars and their sizes.. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
The Reformation
God has always been consistent in his teachings throughout His Story. This class will begin with the confessions of Augustine through Joan of Arc. After the fall of Rome how did the Christian church continue? What are the pros and cons of the rising church? Did you know they collected icons of bones to help promote worship? How would you like to be put on trial for reading your favorite book? ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil
Religions of the World
By learning other faiths you can strenthen your own. When we explore the diverse ways God relates to His children we discover and deeper our relationship with Him. Understanding other religions gives you the confidence to communicate better with them and others of your own faith. We will discuss ten different religions over a course of 26 weeks. It is our hope is that you will gain a deeper understanding for how God shows love for all of His children throughout the whole world. ~ taught by Sister Tresta Neil