When was the last time you were motivated to change because of a spiritual experience?
We call this a faith transformation. Where are you in your faith transformation process,
and what's your next step? Find out by taking the quiz.
The Quiz is For:
Self - Educators
Education should be infused with Christ and his Gospel. If you agree, you've come to the right place.
Christian Families
Christ-centered families looking for ways to increase their testimonies, strengthen their relationships, and become more dedicated to God.
Parents Seeking Guidance
God provides the example and manual for raising children, but often he answers our questions through others. Knowing where we are helping in taking our next step.
Educators of Children
Educating the next generation is a big responsibility. Knowing the best resources and people to turn to helps ease your responsibility.
Happy learners
The Faith Transformational Process
Discover where You are in the Faith Transformation Process
You may be confused on what your Heavenly Father wants you to do. Listening to the spirit isn't always easy. Let us help you get started. Take the quiz and discover where you are in your faith journey and explore options for your next steps.