The Language of the Scriptures
a Live, Online Course
Mondays at 9:00 AM (MT)
September 14th - April 26th
(excluding holidays)
Get this full year course for $180 or 6 payments of $30.
Satan Stifles questions
God encourages Questions
Have you ever taught a class where you ask a question and no one answers?
Our current culture has taught us to not to answer or ask questions.
As children we are filled with questions, it is a natural process of life. But our parents/leaders stifled our questions by giving us cliché or round answers training us to stop asking questions (I’ve caught myself falling into this trap as a parent too).
In this course I'll show you how to search for meaning, how to slow down your study to observe language, to ask questions about your observations, and to find meaning.
God can't guide us if we don't turn on the engine of our minds by asking questions. When we ponder the answers to those questions we are “moving" and God can only guide us when our engine is engaged.

The Language of the Scriptures
Mondays at 9:00 AM (MT)
September 14th - April 26th
You will receive a recording of the key pattern of learning and language foundations to watch before the class.
In the live classes you will learn:

Thom and Tresta are wonderful and inspiring people!! The thoughts that they shared about the sacrificial alter were so profound to both my husband and I. We especially felt such peace and inspiration as we discussed the idea of offering verses sacrificing as a verb. I thank them for enlightening us so much every time we "meet"!
Arit - Mom

This class was engaging and taught within the context of the gospel as Tresta brings in concepts of the plan of salvation to tie it all to the gospel and truth. They teach with love and encourage curiosity and questions. They are organized and prepared and engaging and bring the most exciting and interesting parts out of the text.
Jenn - Musician & Mom

Tresta truly celebrates the smallest triumphs and teaches you how to accept and rejoice in the blessings you receive. I recommend Tresta to anyone. She understands LDS doctrine, she does not over-proclaim or step beyond boundaries, she points you toward the scriptures, church leaders, apostles, prophets. She simply teaches how to seek and how recognize when you have received. I owe a great deal of thanks to her!
Sharee - Photographer
While learning the techniques of Searching, you will discover Doctrines and Principles and
Answers to Questions like these:

- What is the "spirit of revelation"?
- What does the word "it" refer to in D&C 9 "study it out in your mind"?
- What does it mean to have "faith as a mustard seed"?
- What is the "seed" we are planting in our hearts in Alma 32 (it is not faith)?
- Who does the "sacrificial lamb" represent (not just Christ)?
- What are the Aaronic and Melchizedek levels of the word "virtue"?
- How does "deep sleep" and "chains of hell" relate?
- Why did the Israelites use a "hyssop" to brush the lambs blood on their doorways?
- Do we follow the "Passover" celebration today?
- Who did God say our "neighbor" is (It's not what you think)?
- What is the spirit of apostasy?
- What war is really being talked about in D&C 87?
- What does the word "righteous" mean (probably not what you think)?
What are we seaching for when we
seach the scriptures?
Overview of the Course

Moduel 1:
- Key Pattern of Learning (pre-rec)
- Language Foundations (pre-rec)
- Overview of the class
- Notes and Vocabulary Lists
- Writing out Questions

Moduel 2:
Learn How to Search
- Practice Being Curious
- What are you searching for?
- Open your mind with questions
- Using and accepting correct answers
- Flow of Logic

Moduel 3:
Understand the Details

Moduel 4:
Wisdom in Searching
List of Common Symbols
This is my list of symbols and their meanings I’ve compiled over the past 20 years.
Theology Tree
This accompanies the Theology Tree book and course and will be a great reference to you as a learner and a teacher.
Key Pattern of
Learning Poster
This accompanies the Key Pattern of Learning book and course. It will be a great reference and teaching tools for you to use.
How to Give
a Talk
This is a mini course on some suggestions for improving your talks in church.
We are offering this course
for only $180
or 6 payments of $30
Got Questions? Great!
What is the definition of "therefore" in the scriptures?
Do I need to know English grammar for this class?
What questions do I ask when searching the scriptures?
Do I have to attend all the LIVE Lessons?
About Your Mentors, Thom & Tresta

Thom is from New Hampshire and served a LDS mission in Italy. Tresta is from New Mexico and served in the Netherlands while Thom waited for her. They don’t subscribe to the television adage, “Eight is Enough” with their many birthed, married and borrowed children. Thom was the first to bring up the idea of homeschooling, Tresta thought he was mad! Twenty-two years later they are successfully homeschooling through births and deaths, liver transplantation, addiction recoveries, conferences and family run businesses. Together, as owners of Called to Learn and the directors of several homeschool conferences, they are nationally sought after authors and presenters. Their uniqueness is seen in the stories of Thom delivering half a dozen sets of twins as a teenager, Tresta sitting on a cactus and their first kiss over the alter.
Thom and Tresta currently live in Orem Utah where Thom is a trainer and mentor in technology, personal marketing and relationship enhancement. They are the founders and owners of Called to Learn and Keystone Education, where they provide resources and opportunities to the LDS homeschool community. Tresta is the author of The Theology Tree, God Saw That it was Good and The How to Discover (numerology) series. She also teaches online courses in symbology, constellations, numbers and the Key Pattern of Learning. Their passions are teaching and sharing the homeschooling message. Thom enjoys languages, music, theater and scouting, Tresta enjoys hiking, traveling, natural healing and learning and teaching symbolism. Currently they serve in teaching position in Primary and Ward Organist.
Get the Language of the Scriptures Course Today!
Get this full year course for $180 or 6 payments of $30.