Preparing for General Conference
Recently I interviewed a leader in the community and we got talking about traditions she said something profound, she said, “My son said to me, “I don’t know which I like more Christmas or General Conference.”” Wow! My children never said that about General Conference. What could I do to help my children see the beauty of Conference and to have a desire to learn?
History of General Conference
you ever thought about the history of General Conference? One of my
institute teachers taught me a great lesson that has stuck with me for
many years. We were studying the Old Testament and we read from Exodus
chapter 12.
Exodus 12:17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever.
42 It is a night to be much observed unto the Lord for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the Lord to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations. And the Lord said unto Moses and Aaron, This is the ordinance of the passover:
then set up the question, “This was an ordinance to be observed
forever!! throughout generations!! Are we still observing this today?”
After twenty minutes of discussion – he could really get us thinking, I
loved that about Brother Young. The answer finally came out. YES, we are
observing this ordinance by attending General Conference twice a year.
The place where we receive “further instructions” (D&C 124:88)
Hebrew Feasts
gave the Hebrews seven Feasts. These feasts teach us about the Plan of
Happiness. The first Feast is at their first month, Passover, it is
usually observed the first week in April. The last Feast is the Feast of
the Tabernacles which usually takes place the beginning of October. The
same weeks that our General Conference takes place.
the Feast of the Tabernacle (beginning of October) and the 6 months
later is Passover (beginning of April) just as our General Conference
Why did God want these rituals to be forever?
The answer is found in the same chapter of Exodus 12:26 and 27 – To
create questions in the children. To give the parents a chance to teach.
Basically it is to help us learn how to think! 🙂
We ought to be wonders – curious about all things, we’ve become a distracted people. Latter Day Saints should be seekers, learners, and teachers of truths & understandings.
6 Reasons for General Conference?
1 To Help Us Become as God
God said about Adam and Eve taking the fruit, “… man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.” (Gen. 3:22.)
W. Sill said, “I would just like to point out in passing that the right
kind of knowledge still tends to have that effect upon people. It still
tends to make men and women become as God. A flaming sword was placed
in the Garden of Eden to guard the tree of life, but fortunately for us
there is no flaming sword guarding the tree of knowledge, and each one
of us may eat to his heart’s content. And maybe you can think of
something more exciting than that, but I don’t know what it would be. In
this great age of restoration and enlightenment we can know about as
much as we want to know about any subject, including God and his program
for our eternal exaltation.”
How do we partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
It is no just by experience Adam learned by reflecting on his and others experiences, relationships, thoughts we think – the talks we hear from general conference.
2 To Receive a Constant Flow of Living Water
Romney said, “Another reason why we should read [the Book of Mormon and
attend General conference.] By doing so we will fill and refresh our
minds with the constant flow of that ‘water’ which Jesus said would be
in us—‘a well of water springing up into everlasting life.’ (John 4:14.)
We must obtain a continuing supply of this water if we are to resist
evil and retain the blessings of being born again.” …Cleansing the Inner Vessel Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, May 1986, 4
gives us life and energy. recently I called 911 to help my husband. He
said to me, “somethings wrong” he was looking through me, his eyes
dilated and weak. I took his blood pressure and couldn’t find it. We
immediately forced him to drink. The emergency team gave him fluids and
anther receiving 3 litters he was back to himself. Water is essential
for life. Just as “Living Water” is essential for our spiritual life.
Drink continually from the the General Conference talks.
3 To Receive Personal Revelation and LIGHT
the July 2016 Ensign was a story of a lady named Margarida. She spoke
of how the story of the Brother of Jared helped her appreciate the
sacrament more. She likened her need for spiritual light to the
Jaredites’ need for physical light as they prepared to cross the “great
deep” to the promised land (Ether 2:25;3:1-6)
“The sacrament prayers have the promise that we will have the Spirit to be with us, and the Spirit provides the light
we need to make our life’s journey. But was I getting the light I
needed from the sacrament? And if not, how could I get it? What could be
the stones that I, like the brother of Jared, should bring with me to
sacrament meeting? The Lord said that He wants from us a broken heart
and a contrite spirit. So it would not be enough to come to the
sacrament; I would need to bring my own stones—my broken heart and
contrite spirit. I learned that when I approach the sacrament seeking
for the Lord as the brother of Jared did, and bring my stones of a
broken [repentant] heart and a contrite [obedient] spirit, I leave the
sacrament meeting with light.”
can bring our stones of a broken heart and a contrite spirit to general
conference and receive personal revelation or light. The symbolic
nature of the scriptures and words of the prophets is LIGHT.
4 To provide us with Guidance in the coming months
Uchdorft said, “If we listen to and follow the promptings of the
Spirit, they will serve as a Liahona, guiding us through the unknown,
challenging valleys and mountains that are ahead (see 1 Nephi 16)”
5 To bring us closer to Christ
Do you remember your First Love? (Rev. 2:4) we will never get over or forget, right? this is just like the AWE we have of knowing Christ. We can never forget him.
General Conference we learn that his yolk is easy. Without him it is
impossible, with him it is easy. There is Joy and pleasure in working
with the Lord. We only have to give up our will and say as Jesus did to
his father, “Thy will, not my will be done.”
6 To give us strength and confidence to share the gospel message
how Christ healed and fed the 5000 (John 6) He asked the apostles to
pass the five loaves and 2 fishes to the audience. Afterwards there were
12 baskets of food left over. After sharing with the five thousand
their baskets were still full. If we share the “Bread of Life” with
others we shall never loose it or run out of what we’ve shared or
taught, we are always given more.
By keeping the ordinance of General Conference and helping our children learn to think I hope all of our children will say, “I don’t know which I like more Christmas or General Conference.” or “I love celebrating Christ at Christmas and at General Conference.”