March 24


Enlightening the Eyes

By Tresta Neil

Called to Learn, Character Development, Devotional Guides, Spiritual Growth, Symbology

Remember the myth about the cyclopes, the giant with one eye, in the Epic, The Odyssey? As I’ve pondered the idea of one eye I’m reminded of two ideas when we focus our eyes on one thing.

  1. Our focus could be on the things of the world and mortality and our ego becomes a giant that takes over our lives.
  2. Our focus could be on the things of heaven and eternity. OUr eyes can be single to the glory of God and our spirits become giants leading our lives to happiness.

Where is your focus?

The EYE is a Symbol of a Person’s Ability to: (see Bible Dictionary)

  • Receive the light of God: “open our eyes to the hope of God’s light” Dieter F. Uchdorft
  • Show their spiritual condition Alma invited the members of the church in Gideon to evaluate their spiritual condition (see Alma 5)
  • Receive Light and Truth:  The light is through him who enlightened your eyes (D&C 88:11)
  • Understand the things of God:  The eyes of your understanding will be enlightened (Eph. 1:17-18)
  • See as Christ sees:  none can have power …except with an eye single to God’s glory (Mormon 8:15)
  • Be filled with Light: If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light (D&C 88:67)

Eyes show our spiritual condition and how we understand the things of God.

“Enlightening the Eye” Devotional Guide Available NOW!

We have prepared a PDF “Enlightening the Eye” Devotional Guide for you to use with your family. Table Talk Discussion #60 goes along with the guide.

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