August 13


Why Do You Homeschool?

By Tresta Neil

Called to Learn, Homeschool Stories, Tresta's Story

Why did you homeschool?

  1. The education system is broken
  2. To teach religion in all subjects
  3. Concerned about school environment (safety, drugs, negative peer pressure)
  4. Dissatisfied with the academic instruction at the schools
  5. To support a learning disabled child
  6. To educate children during a family relocation to another state or country
  7. Support a child in sports who practice 8-10 hours a day
  8. To be the primary influence on your children
  9. Other


According to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), who conduct The National Household Education Survey (NHES) every four years says that 26% of parents choose to homeschool is C, the negative environment.


The negative environment was not my top reason. Honestly I would have to fit into i or other.  I’ll write why in my next blog post.

What was your answer? Has it changed since the beginning to now?

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