The Fincher's Homeschool Story
Mark Fincher
Mark is a seasoned homeschool father of five and supportive husband living in Orem, UT. As the Chief Mentor at Living Tree Connections, he helps people to move their lives forward by working toward results they want.
His passion for family history and learning to become more connected to individuals he meets and to his ancestors drives him to help people understand who they are and why they are eternally important.
Finding the Joy of History Through Family History
I love history! Wouldn't you like to hear that come from your own mouth on a regular basis, let alone your kids? History doesn't have to be about dates and events in far off places. It can be an engaging subject by recognizing the individuals that made it.
How many of your ancestors were part of it? Come learn how you can find your ancestors' impact on history, and history's impact on them that makes it personal to you. It will also help make your ancestors dear friends as you seek them out of the pages of history.