May 30


Book Tour Interview

By Thom Neil

Called to Learn, Family Relationships, Parenting

with Mary Ann Johnson.

Occasionally we come across a fantastic resource we think you would enjoy. You all know or will soon figure out that you cannot successfully accomplish homeschooling without first having a thriving relationship with your children.

Mary Ann Johnson helps people accomplish just that – a thriving relationship in all types of relationships. She reminds us of the age old principles that if followed lead to an increase of joy.

Mary Ann has just came out with a wonderful book on being a present parent. She talks about how to connect with your children in 5 minutes or less and how these small interactions will transform your relationships.

She is having a virtual tour of her book today through June 13th. Check it out here:

Here is our interview with her about her book:

[wp_fancybox_media url="" type="vimeo" width="853" height="480" hyperlink=""]

Check out her website here:

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