Learn about bees, their life, activities, relationships, duties, etc. There are some resources/links provided below or you can find other resources. Ask yourself, “What principles can be discovered with this knowledge?” Then write the principle in the shapes in the handout provided. Include an action you are willing to do to help you follow that principle better.
info | Bee Life | Resources |
Difference between wasps and bees | Wasps make their nest out of paper, bees make strong wax homes. Wasps enter their nests from underneath and bees from the side. Bees make their honey comb pointing upwards and wasps point down. Bees only have one stinger that they give their life to use and wasps sting multiple times. Wasps eat bugs like aphids and rotten food while bees eat nectar from plants. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Characteristics_of_common_wasps_and_bees |
Pollination | Bees have an instinct to go to only one type of flower. This is so that they can carry the right type of pollen to the same type of flower. Otherwise we would have mixed up flowers and fruits called cross breeds. | go to one type of flower. http://nativeplants.msu.edu/pollination and https://honeybeesuite.com/pollen-collection/ |
Beeswax | New wax is white and clean. Over time it becomes dark, stained and impure. Heat purifies the wax, but the only way to make it white again is to put it in the sun light. | bee hives and you https://www.lds.org/new-era/2011/11/bees-beehives-and-you?lang=eng |
Honey Comb | The honey comb uses the hexagon shape which allows the least amount of wax for the maximum amount of space. | ted talk on bees and hexagons: https://youtu.be/QEzlsjAqADA hexagons and bees - http://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2013/05/13/183704091/what-is-it-about-bees-and-hexagons |
Honey | A bee makes 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. | https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/10/be-anxiously-engaged?lang=eng |
Communi-cation | When bees find the nectar, they don’t selfishly keep it a secret. Rather, they hustle back home to tell their sisters, communicating the directions through an enthusiastic waggle dance to create a map. | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/maria-rodale/the-lessons-of-bees_b_8009026.html |
Daily Action | The bees work together to find nectar, make and build beeswax and honey, raise the baby bees and organize work, sleep and feeding times. | bee hives and you https://www.lds.org/new-era/2011/11/bees-beehives-and-you?lang=eng |
Statistics | the bees need 60 to 80 pounds of honey for food to survive the winter. it takes 8 ounces of honey to make 1 ounce of wax 1 1/2 ounces of wax hold 4 pounds of honey bees can travel 3 to 5 miles in search of nectar worker bees are female and live 4 - 6 weeks | http://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2013/05/13/183704091/what-is-it-about-bees-and-hexagons |
future oriented | Bees are doing the work of making honey, not for themselves, but for their yet-to-emerge sisters and brothers and for the health of the colony. | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/maria-rodale/the-lessons-of-bees_b_8009026.html |
honey | honey has many beneficial and healing qualities | |
anciently | Jaredites brought bees with them to promised land Egyptians used honey as medicine and embalming Hebrews put honey on their slates and have the young students lick it off to teach them that the word of God is sweet and should be internalized The Roman Christians used the beehive as a symbol of rebirth (octagonal baptismal fonts) on the path back to God. | |
beehive | used as a symbol within and without the temples. Also used as a symbol for industry, unity and hard work. | |
prophets words | “Bee anxiously engaged in a good cause.” Hinckley’s 6 B’s make a “to be” list never to be checked off |
Remember a correct principle is a true statement that can lead to an action, it is not a single word or the action itself.
File your work in your zoology notebooks under the class: Insecta, phylum: Arthropoda and genus: Apis