
Enjoy these Passover and Easter Articles

Enjoy these articles written by Tresta on the last week of Christ's mortal life. To find out about our Passover and Easter Celebrations this year, check out our Passover Page: 

March 15, 2024 Download Witnesses of the Resurrection PDF [...]

Witnesses to the Resurrection

March 10, 2024 Download Resurrection Basket PDF [...]

The Resurrection Basket

March 8, 2024  [...]

Easter Timeline

How do your center your Easter traditions around Christ?One of our Sabbath Day traditions is to have a “Sunday Scent” (like the ancient temple [...]

Resurrection Basket

The day before Passover, Jesus told His disciples he would be crucified in two day. (Matthew 26:1-2) How do you think the disciples responded? [...]

Second Day before Passover (Wednesday)

At a moment when Jesus stepped away from Jerusalem he pondered, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent [...]

Third Day before Passover (Tuesday)

Jesus Curses the Fig TreeJesus and the apostles returned to Bethany Monday night and came back to Jerusalem Tuesday. On the way back into [...]

Fourth Day before Passover (Monday)

Jesus casts out the money changersSoon after the Israelites welcomed Jesus into the city of Jerusalem he “went into the house of God [temple], [...]

Fifth Day before Passover (Sunday)

Symbols of Easter, the Resurrection, and the PassoverWhat a Historical Event! Today we participated in a Solemn Assembly with a Hosanna Shout commemorating the [...]

Fifth Day before Passover (Palm Sunday)

Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb is a fantastic video that shares some of the same messages we’ve shared with you on the last week [...]

Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb

Throughout Christmas our family has studied the witnesses to the birth of the Savior. We talk about the shepherds, the angels, Mary and Joseph, [...]

Witnesses to the Resurrection

Passover took place on Nisan 14, the Israelites first month of their year. To prepare for the Passover Feast they choose a lamb, brought [...]

First Fruits and the Resurrection

What do you think about during the Sacrament?As a child I was told to remember the suffering of Christ on the Cross while the [...]

Passover and Bitter Herbs

With the Bread Christ overcame our Physical Death.With the Water Christ overcame our Spiritual Death.There were 4 cups used on the Table of Shewbread in [...]

Four Cups of Wine at Passover

During the time of Moses the Lord gave the Israelites covenants to follow. One of which is the Covenant of Manna. The Israelites were [...]

Manna ~ Passover ~ Sacrament

Two day before Christ hung on the cross he was healing, teaching and telling parables to all that would listen. I chose an event [...]

Passover Greens and Yellow Chicks

The symbol of the Fruit When Jesus and the apostles came back to Jerusalem from Bethany they saw the fig tree that Jesus had approached [...]

Passover and Fruit Trees

On 13 Nisan, spring time on the Jewish calendar and days before Passover each family spent a day cleaning their house. Israelite families were [...]

Passover and Cleansing the Temple

Symbols of Easter and the Resurrection“At the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the multitudes cried “Hosanna” and spread palm branches for Jesus to ride [...]

Passover and Palm Sunday

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