Discover the Branches of Language on the Theology Tree
- What method do we use to write down our ideas? (symbols called numbers and letters)
- How many symbols do we have in the English language? (26)
- How many sounds do we have in the English language? (70)
- Write out some of the sounds you know. (th, sh, ough, etc.)
- You are an orthographist. What is Orthography?
- Write down the definition of orthography (to draw or write symbols for sounds)
- The Branches of Sounds (orthography) are phonetics, spelling, comprehension, elocution, and penmanship
- Say the word “screwedun” ask them if they know the meaning.
- What is wrong with that word? (mixed up, should read “unscrewed”)
- Say the word “parable” emphasizing the wrong syllable.
- What is wrong with that word? (the syllable or emphasis is in the wrong place)
- How do we distinguish words from other words? (with a space between)
- Look up and share some cool words from the dictionary.
- You are an etymologist. What is Etymology? (the origin of words)
- Write out the definition in your notebook.
- The Branches of Words (etymology) are word analysis and vocabulary expansion.
- “Men are that they may have joy” is a statement and is also called a phrase.
- Write and share a short call to action or informative statement.
- You created a phrase. What is a phrase? Look it up.
- Write out your definition in your notebook.
- Phrases are an important part of learning the scriptures.
- “”Come Follow Me” a simple phrase yet truth sublime effulgent rays.” Hymn 116
- Share some phrases you know or make up some.
- Record what you have learned about phrases.
- The Branches of Phrases are prepositional phrases, types of phrases
- “Goes downtown boy the” Is this the proper order to write a sentence?
- Why doesn’t this make sense?
- Does it mater the order in which we write words?
- Find and read a sentence from the scriptures. Make sure you start with a capital and read till you find a period.
- You completed a syntax exercise. What is Syntax? (the construction of sentences)
- Write the definition.
- “Oh, sweet the joy this sentence brings, “I know that my Redeemer lives.”” Hymn 136
- Scramble several sentences see if your family can unscramble them.
- The Branches of Sentences (syntax) are parts of speech, sentence analysis, grammar
- Share several Nursery Rhymes with your children.
- Why do we love to hear these verses?
- What is your favorite nursery rhyme? Recite it.
- You just recited a poem. What is a poem? (look it up in the 1828 Dictionary)
- Record the definition in your notebook.
- Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme, but it does have a rhythm, read a few poems to discover their rhythm.
- The Branches of Style (prosody) are figures of speech, versification, stress, poetry and works of poets.
Whole Works
- Draw a book about something that happened to them last week. Draw four pictures to tell the whole story.
- Write words that go with the pictures and share it with someone
- You just created a composition. What is Composition? (the act of forming a whole by placing together different things)
- Record what you learned about complete works.
- The Branches of Whole Works (composition) are developing ideas, proofreading, art of writing, types of writings
- What are some non-verbal indicators?
- What does it mean “to understand is better than to be understood”?
- What are some do’s and don’t’s in giving a talk in Sacrament meeting?
- Record what communication means to you
- The Branches of Communication are speaking, listening, elocution, audience and nonverbal communication
Draw out your own Language Branch on the Theology Tree and add branches as you’re studying the above branches.